"Hahahaha Dang."
"So I gotta call the other number, find out when they're, what, how much
it is to get in there."
"Probably five dollars, find out where it's at."
"I don't know if they're gonna have a band there tomorrow night, somebody
popular, you know 'cause the Village People are popular."
"Or they used to be."
"Well I don't know what this cock thing is I think it's a..."
"Revolting Cocks Hahahaha"
I think it's a um it's a, a male strip show, dance show
male strippers
I have to call 'em and ask 'em, what is that...what'd they call it?"
"The Revolting Cocks"
"Okay, hahaha, oh lord, okay well I, you have fun tonight."
"Okay, if y'all get a chance, come out
I LOVE this post.