Monday, June 3, 2024

Daily Jam - Little Fluffy Clouds

“What were the skies like when you were young?”

Some weeks it’s harder to write than others. Some weeks I struggle for things to say. Some weeks it feels like grasping at proverbial straws to find anything even remotely poignant to write about all of these songs that I love so much, or at the very least to come up with some personal anecdote to convey my evergreen adulation thereof.

And you know, maybe that actually works in favor for The Orb’s “Little Fluffy Clouds,” the mind-frying jam from the English electronic duo’s 1991 album The Orb’s Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld.

I was probably in high school when I heard the song for the first time, early ‘90s club music being well beyond my grasp or interest when I was in middle school, but it really wasn’t until college that the song worked its way into my own personal heavy rotation, most likely the result of the then prevalent electronica scene that never quite became the next big thing and…um…chemicals.

30+ years on, the song is still a heaping cut of sonic goo, the fluttered synth effects massaging and buttering my brain while the Rickie Lee Jones vocal sample transports my psyche to some surreal desert landscape where the sky burns.

So yeah…chemicals.

Also be sure to listen for the Ennio Morricone “Man with a Harmonica” sample at the beginning of the track.

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