Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Cowboys

Rock n' Roll is dead.  Or at least that's what they've been telling us for years.  And you know, to a degree, they're right.  If not dead, then on life support, gasping its final breaths, doomed to wander the dollar bin of life until it's resuscitated in niche revival form.  Or maybe that's already happened.  The revival.  The niche market.  The aging music writers clinging to some aping sliver of adolescent rebellion, cigarettes in garages, fake IDs in local dive bars, driving through the countryside with like minded friends and idiots.  It's okay.  I'm there with you too.  And so, apparently, is Indiana band The Cowboys, their 4th LP "The Bottom of a Rotten Flower" grabbing and pulling from 50 years of the genre to craft something timeless.  Check out the piano and sax banger "Now With Feeling" below and order the album here from Feel It Records.  Rock n' Roll is dead.  Long live Rock n' Roll.

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