Saturday, May 7, 2011

Take back what you said about Thor!

I'm going to be honest and say that when Marvel first announced it's future movie plans, releasing features leading up to Avengers at the end of Iron Man, Thor was probably the film i was least anticipating. I've been a comic nerd for a long time, and for me it was always Spiderman, Hulk, X-Men, or Batman. I always kind of sided with Brad from "Adventures in Babysitting," and agreed that Thor was a homo.

That being said, throw in some Oscar winners, and Shakespearean director, and some pretty groovy-effects, i guess i'm down with some Thor, even if it is just another segue to next summer's blockbuster. So, i'm sold now Marvel. I'll take back what i said about Thor.

Well...Thor is kind of a homo, but that's okay...i can dig it.

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