Friday, June 3, 2011

An open letter to Rick Perry and the 82nd Texas Legislature

Hey you! Yeah, you Texas government. How about taking a weekend off? I realize that there's still a lot of shit to do, special session and all, but about taking the weekend off? You see, my wife has to work when you guys do, and we'd really like to get away for a couple of days to go see some bands and Houston. And i'm sure you've all got shit to take care of as well. Didn't you all work over Memorial Day weekend? Yeah, you did. So a take a break, and let my wife go see Peelander Z and Fucked Up. Because if i have to go sans Paige, that will make me a sad panda.

And i don't want to be a sad panda. I want to be a sweaty, buzzed, head-banging panda. And so does Paige.

Thank you for your time.

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