Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Ruth Radelet, Adam Miller, and Nat Walker

I'm not really big on video games.  Sure, i played my fair share growing up, from arcades to Atari to Nintendo, Sega, Playstation, XBox, and beyond.  But it's never really been my thing.  If there's something else to do, i'll choose that instead every time.  Also, over the last decade, i've come to abhor the kind of people who refer to themselves as gamers.  I find there to be more toxicity in that particular brand of fandom than pretty much anywhere else.  Incel nation and whatnot.

All that aside, there's something to be said for the soundtracks that have come out of video games since...forever really.  The old 8-bit Nintendo music (which i love by the way) gave way to ambient music and synth wave (which i also love), on to actual scores and soundtracks to rival any film at your local cineplex.

Which brings us to a game called "Lost Records: Bloom & Rage" and it's accompanying soundtrack featuring alt-rock group Nora Kelly Band, electronic artist Milk & Bone, and former Chromatics members Ruth Radelet, Adam Miller, and Nat Walker making music together again for the first time since the band's dissolvement.

Until listening, i kind of forgot how much i missed the dreamy synth pop of Chromatics, but "Dreamers," "The Wild Unknown," and "A Place Like Home" bring it all back.  It's wistful and lovely.

Check out all three new tunes from the trio below and download them here or pre-order the vinyl here from Kid Katana Records.

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