Sunday, June 5, 2022

Sacred Skin

There's a lot of it out there, and your mileage may vary, but to me, there's almost something comforting about the sounds of '80s nostalgia and homage.  And so, something like "The Decline of Pleasure," the new album from LA duo Sacred Skin feels right at home around these parts.  This is synth rock to drive around California in a convertible to.  This is club pop music to don flashy outfits and big hair to.  Check out "Far Away" below and get the album download or cassette here.  You can also pick up the vinyl here from Synthicide.


  1. Wow. I hit play and fell in love instantly

    1. Yeah, i was hooked right away. And i seriously want to rent a convertible to drive around and listen to it in.
