Thursday, February 15, 2024

Daily Jam - Dry the Rain

Discovering something back in 2015...

Wow. My mind is blown. My world is rocked. And nothing will ever be the same. Sitting down to write this piece about “Dry the Rain,” the penultimate Beta Band song from their 1998 album The Three EP’s, I had planned to reminisce about how it was my go-to song in college on days when I felt everything falling apart around me, on days when I felt destined to stumble and crash, on days when everything seemed doomed. Along with The Beatles’ “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da,” I found it particularly comforting during any post-exam comedown, a jittery mix of nerves, fatigue, and fatalism. The Beatles would sing to me about how “life goes on,” and I’d start to fell better about my perceived impending failure. The Beta Band would sing to me that “I will be alright,” and the future wouldn’t seem so bleak or foreboding…except that’s not what they were singing to me.

Damn near 20 years later, and it turns out I was mishearing the lyric all this time. The line is not “I will be alright.” The line is “I will be your light.” A quick Google search just completely took the wind out of me. I don’t know what anything means anymore. Someone just exploded a bomb in my head.

I’m not sure where to go from here. I’ve got some soul searching to do.

I will be alright.

I will be alright.

I will be alright.

I will be alright.


Listen below, our Daily Jam.

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar experience with The Twilight Singers' "I'm Ready." I was CERTAIN Dulli was singing "I'm Ready, I'm ready, to hurt somebody." I learned this isn't the case, but in my heart, that's what he's saying still.
