Thurs: 230 lbs.
Fri: 230 lbs.
I think my winter time fat is getting thicker and heavier. That being said, i guess it should have protected me from the cold and snow today. Snow that lasted for about 20 minutes before the sun came out and the clouds all went away. Snow. Pfft.
Topaz Rags - "Capricorn Born Again" LP
Sex Worker - "The Labor of Love" LP
Dylan Ettinger & The Heat - "Smokin" 7"
Sex Worker - "The Labor of Love" LP
Dylan Ettinger & The Heat - "Smokin" 7"
Check out Not Not Fun Records for these and more bitchin albums. They've got all kinds of droney, experimental rock records. Great for doing drugs to (if you're in to that kind of thing, ahem).
Also listening:
Madvillain - "Madvillainy" CD
Big Business - "Mind The Drift" CD
Madlib - "Beat Konducta In India" CD
Jane - "Berserker" LP (Noah Lennox, aka Panda Bear from Animal Collective)
This Will Destroy You - s/t LP
-So, i apparently enjoy heavy metal, hip-hop, experimental psychedelic rock, and moody, atmospheric ambient music. I am so much cooler than you are. But don't worry, i'm out of shape, and i have a funny looking beard.
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