Sunday, July 7, 2024

Daily Jam - Mindray

My parents were still living in Midland, Texas when I was in college, and I spent many a Friday or Sunday evening, especially around the holidays, driving between Austin and home. A lot of the time, I wouldn’t even get on the road until after 7PM, putting me in the West Texas burg sometime between midnight and one in the morning. And out there on the highway, after the sun had gone down, it’d just be me, the moon and the road, and my case full of CDs to play me into the fading horizon. The five-plus hour drive never really bothered me so long as I had my music with me, songs and albums to soundtrack the time as the twisting, winding paths of the hill country soon gave way to the long stretches of emptiness into the desert. It was peaceful. It was cathartic. It was me-time.

It's summer, and 25 years ago, I might have been getting ready to go, packing up my stuff, or pulling onto the freeway, on my way to see my mom and dad. And I might have been listening to “Mindray” from Lusk’s 1997 album Free Mars. I was probably listening to “Mindray.” I listened to “Mindray” quite a lot. And you should too.

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