Here are some random things i've been listening to lately. (I only noticed the end of the alphabet thing while writing this.)

-These guys always make interesting records. Some songs can get a tad unlistenable for people, but it's always different. This time around 80's synths and some real melodic structure sneak their way onto the tracks. Honestly, this is probably the most accessible music they've made since covering "Under Pressure" with Michael Gira (Swans; Angels of Light) doing the Bowie parts. Give it a whirl.

-Cool, reverby, synthy bedroom rock from the dude from Cold Cave and Art Fag Records . This one's a bit harder to find, but you should be able to find a couple mp3's online.

-This one's pretty gothic-sounding. She really reminds me of Siouxsie Sioux, so take note all your Banshee fans.
I like it when you talk music.