Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Daily Jam - Like a Prayer

Yeah, I’m writing about a Madonna song today. Wanna fight about it?

Madonna Louise Ciccone has been veritable staple in our pop culture for four decades now. She’s had her ups and downs, fallen in and out of favor, stoked controversy, inspired other artists, earned her own fair share of mockery, recorded some great and fun music, and made some questionable artistic decisions, as our aging pop stars are wont to do in an often misguided attempt to maintain relevancy. But through all of this music, the good stuff, the bad stuff, the stuff I secretly like, and the REALLY bad stuff (please don’t ever rap again), the one constant for me has always been how awesome “Like A Prayer” is. And still is.

Yes. It IS awesome. I don’t care what you think.

Madge really hit it out of the park with that single, the title track from her 1989 album, inspiring equal amounts of evangelical derision and Pepsi ad dollars. Pairing gospel music with pop and dance proved infectious in the Williams household though, even as its ecstasy via spirituality themes flew right over my then 10-year old, prepubescent head. But it stayed with me, through my grunge years, and my industrial years, and my Britpop years, and my punk and metal and techno and hip-hop and indie rock and psych years…always there on the backburner…just waiting for me to come back…like Black Jesus.


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