Monday, May 27, 2024

Daily Jam - Take on Me

This column was originally published in 2018...and apparently my whole family was sick.

A wave of pestilence has fallen over my house. Well, not to be so hyperbolic, the little one got the flu, and then I caught some kind of bug too. Not that I’ve been laid out or anything, but there are some symptoms I just can’t seem to shake. Back at work, but snotty…coughing…light-headed…and general feeling of malaise, like I’m just waiting to faint at work. But fever free!

Anyway, my unending fatigued state is not the prime condition for writing, seeing as all I want to do is get under a blanket and watch movies (I’ve been slowly crossing Video Nasties off my list of unseen gore gems). My head’s just not in it, so give me horror movies instead. When I was sick as a kid, home from school and positioned on the sofa in the den, with ample amounts of chicken noodle soup and Coca-Cola at my disposal, my viewing habits were not quite as R-rated, my mother usually being just an ill whimper away. Instead, I devoured music videos on MTV, falling asleep and coming back to while any and all manner of stylized music commercial paraded before my glazed eyes. Every now and then, they’d show some “Top 100 Videos of All Time” nonsense, and I’d be glued to it, all too eager to take in the highs of the video channel’s early days. And they always included “Take On Me” by A-ha.

And why wouldn’t they? It’s a great video for a damn near perfect pop song. And maybe it made me feel a little better back then. Probably not, but it stuck anyway. So let’s try it again now. What do you say?

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