Friday, May 24, 2024

Daily Jam - The Sounds of Silence

Admission #1: There is something about Paul Simon that just annoys the crap out of me.

Admission #2: Although it seems to be universally revered, I hate Simon’s solo album Graceland with every single fiber of my being.

Admission #3: Despite the two declarations above, I’ve got nothing but love for Simon and Garfunkel.

Of course I probably heard it somewhere in passing long before then, what with its cultural significance and all of that noise, but the first time I remember hearing Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Sounds of Silence” was at a girl’s house working on a school group project in the 7th grade. I don’t remember what the project was. I don’t remember what the class was. I barely remember who the girl was. And I don’t remember to what end we were using the folk rock classic for. What I remember is the song. And how absolutely mesmerized I was by it even at 12 years old.

I couldn’t tell you what the song means, if it’s some universal statement about humanity’s inability to understand and love each other, or something more personal and lonesome, and I don’t really want to either. Sometimes a song, or any piece of art honestly, can hit you, and make you feel something that you can’t really put into words. “The Sounds of Silence” does that to me. Every time. It whispers to my soul, but I don’t know what it says. Maybe I’ll figure it all out on my deathbed.

Admission #4: I probably won’t figure anything out on my deathbed.

1 comment:

  1. No solutions on the death bed. Just release. In that release, however, all things will be answered.
    Except they won't.
