Sunday, June 9, 2024

Daily Jam - Storm Maker

Every other week, I find myself in a rut, trying to write about music I love, trying to be profound, or insightful, or at the very least entertaining, and sometimes I just can’t. The world is on fire. It’s burning and smoldering all around us. And all of my hope for the future grows dimmer and dimmer as the smoke gets thicker and more noxious by the day.

So, I’m not going to try today. Instead, I’m just going to check out for a little while. I’m going to float away on a dream. I’m going to melt away with the ice. I’m going to close my eyes and listen to “Storm Maker” from Austin’s dark and gothy synth pop band Troller’s 2016 album Graphic. Maybe things can just cease to be for a little while. At the very least it can slow down.

I’ll be back again.

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