Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Daily Jam - Silent Lucidity

I’d like for a minute for all of us to sit down and contemplate just how weird it was that in 1991, a ballad about lucid dreaming written and performed by an American prog metal band cracked the Billboard Top 10 and became this massive hit. And it was almost six minutes long too. And the bridge had a spoken word section in it about “achieving dream control.” It’s mind blowing. Seriously. But I guess that’s where we were at in the Spring of 1991, Queensrÿche’s “Silent Lucidity,” a single from their 1990 album Empire, playing alongside the likes of the Gerardos and the Marky Marks of the world.

Can you imagine something like that happening now? Me neither. So let’s just listen to that prog-lite lullaby on repeat for a little while until dream control is achieved.

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